Typing Derbi is a 2D action packed Platformer / Typing game with lots of custom functionality, smooth 2d gameplay, clean animations, and easy to edit blueprints.
Typing Derbi Blueprint game kit is an easy to edit and easy to understand blueprint game, suitable for beginners and intermediate users of Unreal Engine.
The game consists out of two main features:
- 2D platformer game. Goal: see and learn how to build a beautiful 2D platformer with cool level interactions.
- A typing game. Goal: Players will have to type 30 words as fast as possible, and if 30 words correctly typed, then your time is shown, and the enemy is defeated.
The Typing Derbi Blueprint game kit has multiple purposes. You can use it for your own project(s), and make a full game out of it. Or you can buy it to learn everything about 2D gameplay, Level design, Interactive level Actors, Widget layouts + Widget blueprints, Widget Animations and besides that, you will learn about setting up your own Typing game with Check systems, Animations, Player and Enemy health, Combo’s, Setting up a timer, Audio and even more!
The entire Blueprint kit features neatly commented blueprints that allow for easy understanding and customization.
Number of Blueprints: 10
Supported Development Platforms: PC and Mac
Tested Platforms: PC
Important/Additional Notes:
For any questions or support. I am online and reachable every single day by email =)
Support Email: [email protected]
Shout out:
Graphics: http://kenney.nl/assets/abstract-platformer
Game + UI SFX: http://kenney.nl/assets/ui-audio
Voice over audio: http://kenney.nl/assets/voiceover-pack-fighter