Game ready model of a medieval character. Perfect for games with realistic graphics.
Rigged with Epic Skeleton (UE5)
Character preview video:
Character customization video:
Demo animations video:
Change to custom pattern video:
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (No) Only Demo
Number of Animations: 7
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): 7
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 23982 + Sword 3429
Number of Materials: 4
Number of Material Parameter Collections: 1
Number of Textures: 27
Texture Resolutions: 1024 - 4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: No
Extra Bones: Cuirass_plastin_1_l, Cuirass_plastin_2_l, Cuirass_plastin_1_r, Cuirass_plastin_2_r, Cuirass_plastin_3_r, book, cape_1_c, cape_2_c, cape_3_c, cape_4_c, cape_1_l, cape_2_l, cape_3_l, cape_4_l, cape_1_r, cape_2_r, cape_3_r, cape_4_r, Shoulder_pad_1_l, Shoulder_pad_2_l, Shoulder_pad_1_r, Shoulder_pad_2_r, weapon_r, textile_1_1_l, textile_1_2_l, textile_1_3_l, textile_1_4_l, textile_1_1_r, textile_1_2_r, textile_1_3_r, textile_1_4_r, textile_2_1_l, textile_2_2_l, textile_2_3_l, textile_2_4_l, textile_2_1_r, textile_2_2_r, textile_2_3_r, textile_2_4_r, textile_3_1_l, textile_3_2_l, textile_3_3_l, textile_3_4_l, textile_center_1, textile_center_2, textile_center_3, textile_center_4.