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61 HDRI - Surreal Worlds Cubemaps - Mega Bundle

Acronym Studio - Textures - Dec 7, 2023
Not Yet Rated

Dive into the realm of surrealistic landscapes and take your game development and visualization to new heights!

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.3 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Complete Project
    This product contains a full Unreal Engine project folder, complete with Config files, Content files and .uproject file, which can be used as a template to create a new project.

Discover a surreal world with our collection of 60 cubemaps.

Surreal Worlds Cubemaps - HDRI Vol.1

Surreal Worlds Cubemaps - HDRI Vol.2

Surreal Worlds Cubemaps - HDRI Vol.3

Mega Bundle includes Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol.3 as well as one bonus incredibly beautiful surrealistic cubemaps.

To utilize this pack, you'll have to activate the HDRIBackdrop FREE plugin. This plugin, developed by Epic, comes pre-installed in UE5. To enable it, go to Edit/Plugins, find HDRIBackdrop, and check the Enable box.

These images were created using stable diffusion with subsequent manual processing, upscaling, seam removal, and adding approximately 10-15 percent additional details.

Technical Details


  •  60 HDR Files
  •  perfect for creating surreal environments (360 backgrounds)
  •  17 example levels

Texture Resolutions:

  • 8192x4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Important/Additional Notes: Don't forget to install the FREE plugin HDRIBackdrop