Stone stairs with some advanced controls. High quality and optimized assets. Stairs in this pack are blueprint assets made from static meshes (single stones) using HISM components.
You can control displacement of the stones (but only those which I hardcoded) with plenty of randomization options. You can toggle Undamaged Stones, toggle Extra Stones (use more mesh variants), shuffle, reorient and rotate them, scale assets up and down and the stone texture scale will be automatically adjusted.
Textures used here are tileable with additional baked ones for features like object normal, edge wear or dirt. Format: Diffuse/Albedo + NormalMap + RMA (Roughness, Metallic, AO). You can easily swap textures, adjust colors and other parameters to create your own uniqe look of each asset.
All BP assets are children blueprint classes made from BP_StoneStairs
*** UPDATE 1.2 ***
*** UPDATE 1.1 ***
*** HOTFIX 1.0.1 ***
Number of BP Assets: 51 (26 stairs assets, 22 wall fillers, 3 flat stone platforms)
Number of Unique Meshes: 37 (14 useful meshes + 23 technical meshes)
Collision: Yes, automatically generated and custom
Vertex Count: up to 1108 (2212 tris) for heaviest SM, up to ~5212 tris for heaviest BP
LODs: Yes (6 or 4 levels depending on complexity)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 2 Materials and 10 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 14
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 32x32
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: Link
Important/Additional Notes: Convert your creations to PLA/BPP to gain performance! How to do it