Preview: plugin provides classes which build the custom navigation grid on floors, walls, ceilings in the specified volume, a path finding implementation, a movement implementation and a demo pawn and a behavior tree with some services, decorators, tasks.
* SpiderNavGridBuilder and MySpiderNavGridBuilderBP - build the spider grid
* SpiderNavigation and MySpiderNavigationBP - find a path on the spider grid
* SpiderAIController - containts the main code of movement on the spider grid
* SpiderPawn - Simple Pawn without any code
* SpiderBB - Demo Blackboard
* SpiderBT - Demo Behaviour Tree
* SpiderAgroCheck - Behaviour Task
* SpiderCloseEnough - Behaviour Decorator
* SpiderIsAtLocation - Behaviour Decorator
* SpiderIsTargetMoved - Behaviour Decorator
* SpiderMoveToLocation - Behaviour Task
* SpiderRapidMoveTo - Behaviour Task