Shrubland Ladnscape Environment offers fully ready high quality 4x4 km Landscape environment for games, cinematic videos, commercials and so on.
Shrubland Environment offers fully ready high quality 4x4 km environment including procedurally generated assets. You can also create your own map from scratch easily with this pack.
Number of Unique Meshes: 26
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count:
LODs: Yes, 4 LOD's , billboards for shrubs
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 7 Materials, 23 Material instances. Post process materials, landscape materials, cloud and water materials are included to these numbers.
Number of Textures: 51 textures ( 4 textures are used for all the plants.)
Texture Resolutions: 1024 to 4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes