Drivable Modular SciFi Teleport Bike with SFX, VFX
★ Abilities:
↪ The Teleport Bike can teleportation
↪ The Teleport Bike can jump
↪ The Teleport Bike has an acceleration
↪ The Teleport Bike has 1 type of weapon - missile launcher
↪ The Teleport Bike has a modular parts
★ Features:
↪ The Teleport Bike consists of modular parts that are easy to switch to suit your needs
↪ High Resolution Textures (Atlases)
↪ Meshes with FWN (Face Weighted Normals)
↪ Customizable procedural base materials (Master Material)
↪ Quick color and material adjustments
↪ Unique Sounds Effects
↪ Particles
★ Blueprints: 6
★ Blueprints (Component): 1
▼ Static Meshes: 36
↪ Vertex Count: 215 to 234344
↪ Scaled to Epic Skeleton: [✔]
◩ LODs: [✔] automatically generated
▨ Collision: [✔]
♫ Sound(s): 12
♫ Sound(s) (Cue): 13
♫ Sound(s) (Attenuation): 2
▩ Material(s): 14
▩ Material(s) (Instance): 42
▦ Texture(s): 7
▦ Textures (Atlases):
↪ ACH Atlas (AO + Curvature + Heightmap) - 8K
↪ Emission Atlas - 8K
↪ ID Atlas - 8K
↪ NormalMap Atlas - 8K
↪ Decal Atlas - 1K
☢ Particle(s): 15
◉ Map(s): 1
☯ Engine Compatibility: 4.26 - 5+
✎ Documentation Included: [✔]
❖ Supported Development Platforms:
↪ Windows: [✔]
↪ Mac: [✔]
↪ Linux: [✔]