Red Pine Forest Builder Asset Pack

Mosaic Environments - Props - Aug 2, 2024
Not Yet Rated

A highly customizable, game-ready asset pack for building a realistically diverse environments from scratch to finish

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

Thank you for considering to purchase the Red Pine Forest Builder Asset Pack by Mosaic Environments

You can check the trailer here. 

(It's rendered both with path tracer and lumen. The pack doesn't include the niagara systems (fire, rain, snow) and the water material. They are shipped with Unreal Engine)

This Pack includes 110 unique meshes and 2 texture generators for endless forest floor and leaf variations.

For using the texture generators you require to use the free Substance 3D plugin

This pack was developed with 3 major bases in mind:   

🌱It includes all of the assets which are essential for building a realistically diverse environment from scratch to a finished scene. No additional assets needed.  

🎚️It's easily, quickly, and highly customizable for building different environments with the same assets without making it feel too repetitive.

💾It is optimized and efficient.

The environments seen in renders are created by the asset pack, but the built environments are not the part of this pack.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 110 (38 unique red pines, 72 smaller plants)

Collision: Yes, capsule on pine trunks

Vertex Count: Red Pines: average: 6407 (19,959-1,511)

Other assets: average 912 (7,848-2)

For detailed information check the full documentation

Nanite support: Enabled

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

7 Materials and 7 Instances (pine bark, dead pine bark, pine branches, leaf, maple bark, ground, pine roots)

Number of Textures:22

Number of Texture generators:

2 Texture generator (Leaf generator, Ground generator)

(Check the list of exposed parameters in the documentation)

Texture Resolutions:

Bark and pine needle textures: 4096x4096

Generated textures: customizable from 32x32 to 8192x8192

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Documentation: You can find the full documentation HERE

Important/Additional Notes:

-For using the texture generators you require to use the free Substance 3D plugin

-This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.0+, check the full Lumen documentation here