rdInst is an optimized C++ plugin that takes care of all your Instanced Static Meshes, Spawned Actors, Child Components, Actor and Component Pooling, Populating, Randomization and Selective Hiding/Showing of these objects.
Latest Version: 1.43 - 30th August 2024
Website: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdinst-home/
Discord Channel: Here.
Randomized Buildings: https://youtu.be/CZhwYjf6T2w
Long Distance Proxies: https://youtu.be/Jd1_Cv8o9DA
Runtime Harvesting: https://youtu.be/dYr7lNkIAaM
Vehicle Proxies: https://youtu.be/37B4OD2jJyc
Note: rdInst is compatible back to UE4.27 - these built previous versions are available upon request.
Tested on Windows, Linux and Android - should be compatible with Mac and IOS, Playstation and XBox.
The plugin can be used in two ways:
rdInst has tools for:
Just use the included rdActor as your base actor, or directly call library functions from the rdInst Subsystem.
Instances are managed according to their owning actor, during Editing this allows fast editing of large amounts of meshes – during runtime this allows fast Showing/Hiding of actors and even sub-folders of meshes for each actor.
Non-managed functions are available too – these give raw access to the InstancedStaticMesh and HeirachialInstancedStaticMesh Components used to create the instances.
It’s as simple as calling the “rdAddInstance” node in your Blueprints, specifying the Static Mesh and a Transform. Removing them is as simple as using the “rdRemoveInstances” – it only removes instances used by your current blueprint.
Even with the Management and Randomization system built in, you’re able to get the same performance as the Foliage Tool - in fact quite a bit faster when you're using World Partition with foliage spread over many tiles.
When Adding Instances at run-time, rdInst can be used to distribute the additions over multiple frames to keep the frame rate smooth - all handled behind the scenes.
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 2
Number of C++ Classes: 10, 1 Subsystem
Network Replicated: N/A
Supported Development Platforms: Win64,Linux (should work with all platforms with runtime code)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64,Linux,Android (should work with all platforms with runtime code)
Documentation: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdInst
Example Project: N/A
Important/Additional Notes: