The Procedural City Creator is a suite of tools developed entirely in Unreal Engine 5 to generate true scale optimized city, a close up comparison, is like playing cityskyline but all inside Unreal, no third party plugins needed.
Watch iPCC trailer on YouTube
Updated PCC to iPCC in 5.3 & 5.4 (Last update 17-05-24)
Our Procedural City Creator aka PCC is complete suite of tools for generating ultra realistic city environments interactivly using your own assets, for instance like the Matrix Awakens city. PCC features several tools for generating road networks, road props, rivers, freeways, highways, ramps, tunnels, bridges, real-world building shapes and more. Because PCC is multi-process generation, it allows you to design, tweak and customize each stage of the generation without losing any artistic control and do not requires crazy processing power.
Generate Venice City in less than 3 min (Youtube 4K) [Legacy PCC, still usable in 5.1 & 5.2]
[Before you start the tutorials, open the documentation and do everything listed in Prerequisites Section]
iPCC documentation
Legacy PCC documentation
0- PCC Documentation (Text)
1- Learn city generation basics (Youtube)
2- Learn how to set up and use your own assets (Youtube)
3- Learn how to create procedural Buildings (Youtube)
4- Tutorial contents (file)
Project like this take a lot of time, effort and risk to develop, if you found it useful, please take a time to give us some reviews, it allows us to succeed and to continue to support you and take risk to pursuit these type of projects in the future! from all the members of Procedural World Lab
Number of Blueprints: 20 cores blueprints included
Number of Meshes: 601
Number of Textures: 155
Number of Materials: 134
Supported Development Platforms: All Unreal-supported development platforms
Expand the description for more info on iPCC
Important Note: Enable Plugins listed in Documentation before any use.
Important Note 2: All the city images you see, are from the tutorials covered inside the documentation/videos, by following the tutorials, you will be able to reproduce it and by doing so learn the basics of PCC.
Important Note 3: the project contains two folders: ProceduralCityCreator and ProceduralBuildingGenerator
Disclaimer: The assets can take a bit of time to load for the first time due to shaders compilation
Disclaimer 2: Project contains Soul City assets from Epic and is used for demo purpose