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Open World Demo Collection

Epic Games - Epic Content - Apr 2, 2015

Licensed for use only with UE4 based products. A collection of realistic assets from Epic's Open World demo shown at GDC 2015. Use them to create new levels or add them to existing ones.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.7 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.
About this pack

Each asset has been created using photographs of a real world object.

Our Process

For larger assets such as rocks, ground tiles, cliffs faces and tree trunks, reconstruction was performed directly from photographs using a process called photogrammetry. These assets were then put through a proprietary 'de-lighting' process to make them suitable for use in any lighting scenario. Specular and roughness maps where then created to take full advantage of Unreal Engine 4's Physically Based Rendering architecture. Finally game-optimized assets were generated with normal maps, LODs and collision meshes.

For vegetation such as flowers, bushes and grass we used color calibrated reference photography shot in the field to more accurately model and texture these assets.

Curious about our photo-reconstruction process? Watch our GDC 2015 session here!

Technical Details

NOTE: The assets in this pack are designed for extremely high end systems. Load times of up to an hour are expected when opening the maps for the first time. Please also have 4GB of free space on your harddrive to accommodate the DerivedDataCache created by this content.

This pack includes

-42 Photo-realistic meshes with LODs

-15 Foliage

-21 Rocks

- 6 Trees

-138 Textures from 2048 up to 8192

-14 Tiling Ground Materials with Normal and Displacement