Easily add interactions which other players can join together to finish them faster. The more players interacting, the less time to finish the action!
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OliUAvey2TE
Discord: https://discord.gg/N4aUjsXBaG
Blogpost: https://nsabater.com/unreal-engine-marketplace
The system was originally inspired by PayDay 2 interaction system, but was tweaked during development process to improve It's flexibility for any kind of game and needs.
It features a large set of interaction behaviours, allowing you to change them in real time to not limiting one object with just one interaction and a callback. This way you can connect different actions toguether, for example:
A broken computer could have a first interaction of "REPAIR" and after finishing it, you can enable a next interaction called "HACK PC", and after that you could still add as many other interactions as needed, for example one to "WATCH SECURITY CAMERAS" or whatever you would like to add.
Features list:
Number of Blueprints: 14 (8 BP classes, 1 interface, 1 struct, 1 enum, 3 widgets) + 1 Game mode + 1 Player Controller
Input: Keyboard (default)
Network Replicated: YES!
Development Platforms: PC, MAC, Linux
Target Build Platforms: PC, MAC, Linux, PS4, XBOX
Documentation: bit.ly/ue4-OnlineCooperativeInteractions-sys-docs