Spawn items in style with customized manufacturing time.
Game ready BP friendly asset. Example mechanics and BP code integration example comes with plugin. Great learning resource and detailed video documentation to get you started fast. This is highly detailed asset to be used with next gen computers and consoles.
Video overview :
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Discord link:
Code Modules:
Collision: (Yes, generated in UE5, no custom collisions)
Nanite Vertices Count:
Network Replicated: (No)
Number of Animations: 9
Number of Blueprints: 14
Number of C++ Classes: 15
Number of Materials: 15
Number of Material Instances: 50
Number of Static Meshes: 12
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 1
Number of Sounds: 16
Number of Textures: 50
Number of Vertices Skeletal Mesh: 1 x 40829
Number of Widgets: 8
Supported Development Platforms: Win64
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64
Important/Additional Notes: this plugin is BP friendly and there are many customizations options available. However in order to fully modify framework for specific needs at least basic c++ knowledge will be requiered. Provided example project implementation is there for your convenience to quickly understand what functionality was exposed from main NMSActor and NMSWidget. Please keep in mind that the example implementation and showcase might not be the best coding practice or smth. that developer would recommend in your main project. Use it as template but adjust it to your existing project framework.