The most robust inventory system in the Marketplace! MRPG inventory provides Online Services, Registration, Login, Progression, Friends, Credit Card transactions and reliable Client-Server communication for all your players!
XSolla (UE5) - cloud payments
With the latest Xsolla plugin updates, the cloud payments are not fully compatible. There is a new payment system (Paystation). Be aware that not every online shop functionality is integrated into the Multiplayer RPG Inventory plugin in UE5.
Multiplayer RPG Inventory System is a robust system which offers complete integration for multiplayer inventory system and all online services provided by Xsolla!
With very simple, clean blueprint design it makes system easy to adapt to all, even the most demanding needs!
Currently, the developer does not have to worry about user registration or server-client communication.
He can simply choose one of the two available modes, Basic for Server-Client Communication only or
Advanced (Xsolla) with additional Registration, Friends & credit-card Transactions!
Regardless of use case - RPG / Survival / Multiplayer / Single Player MRPG Inventory System is a perfect choice!
2021 April - UPDATE 2.0!
The plugin recently got massive update and visual overhaul so it looks like in the demo presented here:
Currently more tutorial videos and step by step integration videos are being added, so stay tuned for more info!
Common questions:
What happened when one client has opened StorageLoot and the other client drops an item into it?
How well optimized is the plugin?
Is plugin fully functional in Single Player mode?
Most of the assets are unique and created for Inventory System.
There are few Interior assets mixed from another UE4 free plugin (WeaponPack)
Short statistics:
Supported Development & Target Build Platforms: Win32, Win64, Linux, Mac, IOS