The Modular Rome Equipment has a load of assets to equip a Roman character as you like.
The Modular Rome Equipment has a load of assets to equip a Roman character as you like.
Multiple arms, chests, shoes, helmets, weapons and shields are ready to be assembled to your own unique composition.
Be a centurion, gladiator or raider – it’s your choice. Each equipment uses the same master material and a specific mask texture, which allows you to tweak its visual appearance in detail.
For compatibility to other asset packs (e.g. weapon animation sets) the delivered skeletal meshes are skinned to the UE4 skeleton and the weapon and shield pivots are aligned to its hand grip. Animations are not included in this pack.
To help you to get started with your new equipment, the pack contains a fully functional character and character editor Blueprint sample which implements all of the equipment and their customization.
Furthermore, there is some assistance about saving and loading a character customization or spawning NPCs from a given setup.
The pack is set to use the new integrated clothing system from UE4.17. The cloth pieces are skinned but you can deactivate the dynamic cloth if your target platform is for low end Hardware.
A thumbnail capturer Blueprint is as well on board. You can easily create icons in ue4 without any external app needed.
Assets were created by Thomas Vogel and technical support with the Blueprint Character Editor from Petricore Systems.
Project Trailer:
- 42 meshes with 1 level of detail
- 190 PBR textures: albedo, normal, ORM (ambient [O]cclusion, [R]oughness and [M]etallic) and tint masks
- 2 Master Materials for items and helmet hairs (customizable with 16 parameters)
- 1 Character (2 Blueprints)
- 1 Character Editor (3 Blueprints and 9 UMG widgets)
- Slightly modified UE4 skeleton (added sockets) for Blueprint sample
- 60+ additional assets (data tables, thumbnails, textures etc.) for Blueprint sample
- Documentation PDF and comments for Blueprint graphs, functions and variables
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: No
Number of characters: Arbitary amount of variations per customization. 3 core types
Vertex counts of characters: 13-20k
Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048 (PBR textures)
Supported Development Platforms: Intended: Windows, Mac, PS4, Xbox One, Android, iOS
Tested: PC