Highly customizable collection of modular pillars that can be used in architecture or game environments
Video: ShowCase
Video: Material Samples, Stylized Materials Samples
Video: Customizing using Blueprint
Number of Unique Meshes: 870
Mesh Real world Size: All base meshes are 50 cm (1/2 m). Middle sections are 50 cm (1/2 m) and 200 cm (2m) high
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
Vertex Count:
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 1 Master Material and 23 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 1,801 (Used in Materials), 870 (Used in editor - Editor Utility Widget)
Texture Resolutions: 1024x1024 - 1,801 (Used in Materials), 256x256 - 870 (Used in editor - Editor Utility Widget)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: n/a
Important/Additional Notes:
Contains assets from ambientCG.com, licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.