AAA quality assets in completely modular solution. Over 5 000 combinations with more than 200 000 visual combinations in one package.
More robust version of this pack is available HERE.
This package will still get updated till the end of 2021.
Before you buy, free 3D preview is available: HERE
Available HERE
AAA quality models made by hand based on real swords.
All packages do have a lifetime free updates. Check the Discord for more info.
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LOD0 - 2500 Poly
LOD1 - 1500 Poly
LOD2 - 7000 Poly
LOD3 - 350 Poly
LOD3 - 100 Poly
Scabbard - 750/650/400/180/56 Poly
All Materials are included. All Materials are PBR and well named.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes
LOD: 5
Number of Meshes: 37
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 1/165
Supported Development Platforms: PC/Console
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC/Console
Screenshots are rendered in UE4 (version 4.19). Scene was created in 3D software, exported to Marmoset Toolbag 3 and then imported with Scene Importer. All the detail can be achieved in real-time rendering and in-game graphics inside the game engine itself. For more details please visit our Support Discord.