Not For Sale Reason: Merged With MidiEngine 3. Get MidiEngine 3
FAQ & Support : Discord link
A plugin with tools to build Note Highway Type of rhythm games. Contains Classes, Functions , Components, and Template Maps to help you get started very quick. The Rhythm Gameplay is driven by MIDI Files meaning you can use your favourite DAW to create MIDI Files or just download them and they will be imported by this plugin and used for the rhythm gameplay.
If you've played these games before and want to make your own, this is the plugin to get.
Highly Customizable, with no hard-coded nonsense, ensuring your result is completely different from the next person that gets this plugin. Saves Months of dev time depending on your team size.
For example , a typical solo developer would have to spend 6 months or more to get to this level of features in this framework.
This plugin has more than 2 years under development which means it has already been refactored and fine tuned a lot based on user feedback.
A Two time epic megagrants reciepient. Special thank you to the Epic Megagrants team 🙏🏽🙏🏽.
This plugin is a MIDI Engine Plugins Bundle, that extends MidiEngine Broadcasters.
It Contains all the features from:
MidiEngine Core.
MidiEngine Broadcasters,
MidiEngine RhythmTools (This Plugin).
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
Number of Blueprints: 10+
Number of C++ Classes: 27+
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux , Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS, Android
Documentation: Midi Engine Rhythm Tools Docs Link
Important/Additional Notes:
You don't need to buy MidiEngine Core or Broadcasters prior to purchasing this, but the knowledge on how to use those 2 is required to make full use of this plugin. So watch their tutorials and read their documentation too.