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Midi Engine : Broadcasters Bundle

Algosyntax - Code Plugins - Aug 30, 2023

Not For Sale Reason: Merged With MidiEngine 3. Get MidiEngine 3

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.0 - 5.3
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.

DEPRECATED: This plugin has been merged into MIDIENGINE 3

FAQ & Support : Discord link

Imports Midi Files and Plays them while synced to audio files to assist or guide rhythm game creation or audiovisuals.

Bundle Contains:

MidiEngine Core

MidiEngine Broadcasters

Controlling Emmisive Lights With Midi Tutorial: Youtube

It comes with classes and functions that simplify the process of sending MidiEvents from a midi file to any UObject or Actor and giving them a chance to react to each and every note ON and note OFF.

This means you can start building any type of rhythm game based on MIDI Files.

You will find InEditor Documentation Under "Plugin/Example_Content/BP_AxInstructions_MEB".

The Example Blueprints contains comments to guide you on how to use the plugin. If in doubt check the documentation links below for instructions.

This means with this plugin you can import and parse MIDI Files both in the editor and runtime AND in ADDITION play the MIDI file and send the events to any UObject or actor.

You can easily get access to the following info from a midi file, then send and receive it in a music-synced timely manner to any actor or uobject:

  • Midi File Name
  • Midi Track(s) Name.
  • Time Signature Info. (eg 4/4)
  • Duration (eg 260 Seconds)
  • Tempo/BPM ( Eg 120BPM)
  • PitchShift Events/data
  • MIDI Note Events and info:
  • Pitch Name (eg "G#5")
  • Pitch Number (eg 60)
  • Start Time (in Seconds,eg 0.2s)
  • Stop Time
  • Duration (in Seconds, eg 5seconds)
  • Velocity (eg 28)
  • Owning MidiTrack Pointer and MidiAsset
  • And More....

Technical Details


  • Cross Platform MIDI File Importer For Unreal Engine 5 Games/Projects...
  • Get Access To MIDI Events/Notes properties like PitchNames,Velocity and Time in seconds.
  • Sync Midi Events To Audio/Music
  • Send The Synced Midi events to any UObject in realtime and react to them easily
  •  Easily Extensible/ Integratable into existing Projects.
  • Stellar Support with Addons Available.

Code Modules:

  • AxMidiCore (Runtime)
  • AxMidiCoreEditor (Editor)
  • AxMidiBroadcasters (Runtime)
  • CommonOps (Runtime)

Number of C++ Classes: 20+

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, IOS

Documentation: MIDI Engine Broadcasters Info

Important/Additional Notes:

Join Discord For Support: DISCORD