Unreal Engine Marketplace is moving over to Fab in mid-October. Learn more.

Meta Customization System

Relentless Games - Blueprints - Sep 9, 2024

In-Engine character customization for your Metahumans.

On Sale$109.99
$54.99Sign in to Buy
  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.3 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

Main Trailer Video

V1.1 Preview video here

UPDATE V1.1 will only be acquirable through official channels when the new Fab Marketplace launches.

How to get it early:

Due to the upcoming mid-october launch of FAB Marketplace this update can no longer be published and acquired through the Epic launcher until FAB is published. If you cannot wait till then please contact RelentlessGames on the Meta Customization System >>DISCORD<< server directly with your valid invoice to acquire Update V1.1 early.

Overview Video

Facial Customization Video

Lite Version available here for users who already own the Meta Body Tool


Meta Customization System allows you to customize your Metahuman’s face, body and clothing in real-time without external apps, plugins or morph targets. The body and facial customization tools provided in this product are blueprint-based and they leverage your Metahuman's skeletal structure allowing you to manipulate its shape along with clothing through the character’s Animation Blueprint. Clothing, hair, props, Tattoos/Body Markings, skin and eye color can also be customized. Several clothing and costumes are included, compatible with Tall medium weight male and female.

Since Metahuman characters cannot be included in marketplace products you will need to follow the tutorials below to set the customization system up for your metahumans.


Discord(New) For general discussion, feedback, help, feature requests and more.

Tutorial 1: Setting Body Customization

Tutorial 2: Setting Face Customization If you are using UE5.4+ metahumans (v3.0+ metahumans) Follow This Tutorial instead.

Tutorial 3: Setting up Meta Styler (Clothing, Skin & inventory)

Tutorial 4: Setting up Meta Styler Part 2

Tutorial 5: Adding the system to a new or existing level

Tutorial 6: Working With Sequencer

Tutorial 7: Adding your own clothing assets

Tutorial 8: Setting up a Third Person Game & Customization Screen

Technical Details


  • Facial Customization
  • Body Customization
  • Skin, Hair and eye color customization
  • Inventory System (For clothing and head props)
  • Realtime Save System
  • Metahuman Modular Clothing
  • Metahuman Costumes
  • Metahuman head Props

Number of Blueprints: 9

Input: (Keyboard, Mouse)

Network Replicated: (No)

Rigged: Yes

Skeletal Meshes:32 (Clothing and props for metahumans)

MetaHuman Skeleton Support: Yes

Body Types Supported:

Tall/Masculine/Medium Weight Male

Tall/Feminine/Medium Weight Female.

Animations: 11 animations (For facial customization only)

Plugins Required: Yes

Groom Plugin is required (For hair assets)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: Untested

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MIvSoxgTFuKbWuScWYgptZfdSChLjYv_Wdc2VRnAYmc/edit?usp=sharing