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Marmoset Toolbag Scene Importer

Marmoset - Code Plugins - Dec 22, 2016
3.96 out of 5 stars(85 ratings)
  • 62%
  • 13%
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  • 4%
  • 19%

Cut down on re-work by using the Marmoset Toolbag Scene Importer to load your .TBSCENE directly into Unreal Engine. On import, your models and textures will be loaded, materials automatically set up and an optional Blueprint object created.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.12 - 4.26
  • Download Type
    Engine Plugin
    This product contains a code plugin, complete with pre-built binaries and all its source code that integrates with Unreal Engine, which can be installed to an engine version of your choice then enabled on a per-project basis.
Cut down on re-work by using the Toolbag Scene Importer to load your Toolbag 2 and 3 scenes directly into Unreal Engine. On import, your models and textures will be loaded, materials automatically set up and an optional blueprint object created.

Marmoset Toolbag’s industry standard physically-based rendering makes it easy to get a quick & accurate preview of your work before sending it off to Unreal.

For best results, use the Unreal Engine 4 preset material in Toolbag to ensure that your content follows the metalness/roughness/GGX standard.

Technical Details

Supported Features:
- Mesh and texture import
- Automatic material setup
- Support for common material modules
- Import as a blueprint
- Supports Toolbag 2 & Toolbag 3 scene files

Art created with specular maps will be converted to use Unreal's metalness shaders, however for best results content should be authored for the metalness workflow.

Not Supported:
- Images files that Unreal does not support, such as grayscale TGAs, TIFs, etc
- Animated content (animated meshes will be imported at the base pose)
- Scene objects such as cameras, fog, shadow caster, etc
- Some advanced material modules, such as secondary reflections, anisotropic reflections, Newton’s rings, detail normal maps, etc

Example .tbscene File: