The package includes stylish stylized projectiles.
Trailer & Test Play:
Trailer & Guide: Vimeo / Youtube
M5VFXRPG2. Projectile includes stylish stylized projectiles that can be applied to RPG or various games.
The package includes levels that you can play with projectiles made from beam particles, ribbon particles, and more.
# To test-play, create a third person project and add assets.
ver 1.2 updated
added Niagara. ( please check Niagara_Projectile.umap )
Type of Emitters: CPU, Beam, Ribbon, mesh emitters
Number of Effects: 80 + 80(Niagara)
Number of Textures: 104 (Excluded Mannequin resource)
Number of Materials: 149 (Material 31 + instance Material 118) (Excluded Mannequin resource)
Number of Blueprints: 11
Number of Meshes: 12
Supported Development Platforms: PC & Mobile
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC & Mobile