Living Particles Niagara

SineVFX - Visual Effects - Sep 25, 2019

Ultimate VFX pack, based on new Niagara Particle System. Easy to Use, Flexible and High Quality.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.23 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

4.26 version fixed flickering issues, as well as the correct offset when using GPU simulation.

4.25 version is now available, it supports up to 256 Affector Actors.

Ultimate Pack of fully customizable particle Effects, you can tweak any property and create a unique look. All of the effects can be used in almost every game. You can make living ground, that reacts to player movement, or add some live environment effects. This Package is using the new Niagara Particle System, so any parameter can be adjusted. Particles can be affected by both one player and several players without much loss of performance.


  •  Based on actively developing Niagara Particle System
  •  GPU Simulated Particles, great Performance
  •  Up to 4 Affectors (The possible number of Affectors will be significantly increased with the next Updates)
  • Extremely Easy to Use, just Drag and Drop the Effects into your Level
  • Highly Customizable, 19 Gradient textures included

Technical Details

Type of Emitters: CPU Quad, GPU Quad, CPU Mesh, GPU Mesh

Number of Effects: 27

Number of Textures: 83

Number of Materials: 4(27)

Number of Blueprints: 28

Number of Meshes: 12

Supported Development Platforms: Any Platform with supported Compute Shaders (When using GPU Simulation)

Supported Target Build Platforms: Any Platform with supported Compute Shaders (When using GPU Simulation)

Documentation: The documentation can be found in the "_Documentation" folder of the Asset

Important/Additional Notes: Make sure you enable Niagara Plugin in your UE4 project (Edit > Plugins > FX > Niagara). Because this Asset is based on Niagara Particle System, it will gain most of the upcoming Niagara features. The next big update will significantly increase the number of possible Affectors (right now you can use 4). Also, Morphing particles of the original Asset will be added too.

Support Email: [email protected]