Preview: Charts is a package of simple to use UMG chart widgets. Fully integrated with the UMG widget designer, just drop them in, configure the chart display properties and then add the data to be displayed via blueprint or C++ as preferred. The package includes a bar chart, a generic Cartesian chart, and a time series plot specialized for displaying time-varying data.
The charts were developed initially for development and debugging feedback, but can very well be used for in-game purposes too. Being integrated with UMG, they can also be used on widget components, for example to display stats and status indicators above characters.
Chart configuration options:
All Charts
Chart background (supports transparency) and titles
Toggleable axes
Axis title, unit, labels and scaling options
Data categories/series can have color/style assigned automatically, but can also be overridden manually
Configurable update rate
Bar Chart
Vertical and horizontal orientations
Adjustable bar width
Color and transparency settings for bars
Cartesian Chart/Time Series Plot
Plot scatter and line series
Fixed display range or fit to data
Color and transparency settings for data points and lines
Default set of point styles (extendable)
Data Sources:
For basic use, data is added to the charts directly. However, a more flexible system is available where a datasource interface is implemented, decoupling the chart display from the data.