34+ Fully Functional and Interactive Slime Shader Designs
This is a fully functional InteractSlime VFX Pack. Our latest release includes Fully Functional and Interactive Slime Character BP ( Slime Vertex Animation Based on Slime Movement and Jump ) with 34+ Slime Materials and Material Instances, 2+ Slime Material Functions and 15+ Slime Shader Textures. With this pack, you can easily customize and create new Slime Material sets.
Number of Blueprint: 3
Number of Images and Textures: 15
Number of Materials and Instances: 34
Number of Material Functions: 2
Number of Static Meshes: 2
Texture Resolutions: 1K, 2K, 4K
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows, Mobile Preview ES3.1
Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows, Mobile Preview ES3.1