GameReady BIG - pack LowPoly characters IndustialMech
This pack contains 10 characters, (a total of at least 14 versions of the type of character). each character has 3-4 skin versions
MonsterSlime1 (Realtime - Transformations) - Link page - Preview - Guide
IndustrialMech 01 (TeslaMech) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 02 (GiantMech) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 03 (Pterodactyl) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 04 (Mutant) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 05 (Mimic) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 06 (Scolopendra) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 07 (Spiders) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 08 (CyborgMech) - Link page - Youtube
IndustrialMech 09 (MechWheel) - Link page - Youtube
-Character has epic skeleton (Supports UE4 and UE5 engine)
-4 skin options
-24 animation included
-Particle system built into Blueprint
-You can use your own Unreal Engine Mannequin animations.
-Separate parts
-Full compatibility with any animations for UE Mannequin
-Weapon included
-Character has epic skeleton (Supports UE4 and UE5 engine)
-3 skin options (Bronze, Ocean, Red)
-23 animation included
-You can use your own Unreal Engine Mannequin animations.
-Separate parts
-Full compatibility with any animations for UE Mannequin
-Addition bones: joint_Jaw
-Character has epic skeleton (Supports UE4 and UE5 engine)
-3 skin options (Brown, Blue, Red)
-32 animation included (14 Flying anim and 18 common)
-You can use your own Unreal Engine Mannequin animations.
-Separate parts
-Full compatibility with any animations for UE Mannequin
-Additional bones:
joint_wings 1-20 L
joint_wings 1-20 R
-Character has epic skeleton (Supports UE4 and UE5 engine)
-3 skin options (Green, Blue, Red)
-21 animation included (14 Flying anim and 18 common)
-You can use your own Unreal Engine Mannequin animations.
-Separate parts
-Full compatibility with any animations for UE Mannequin
-Character has Custom skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)
-2 skin options (Bronze, Black)
-15 animation included
-Character has Custom skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)
-3 skin options (Bronze, Black, Red)
-20 animation included
-Character has Custom skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)
-3 versions of the character.
-3 skin options for each version(Bronze, ToxicPurple, Red)
-17 animation included
-Character has Epic skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)
- Additional bones: Jaw, Cygar, Eyes L+R
-2 versions of the character.
-3 skin options for each version(Bronze, Black, Aluminium)
-28 animation included
-Character has Custom skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)
-The character has 29 animations and is able to transform into a saw
-4 skin.
-29 animation included
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes) 6 characters made on Epic skeleton and 4 made on custom
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Number of Animations: 241
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): 212/29
Number of characters: 10 (14)
Vertex counts of characters:
MSlime 32910
IM_01 (TeslaMech) 8925
IM_02(GiantMech) 34755
IM_03 (Pterodactyl) 50699
IM_04 (Mutant) 19785
IM_05 (Mimic) 25902
IM_06 (Scolopendra) 53234
IM_07 (Spiders) 33189
IM_08 (CyborgMech) 66666
IM_09 (MechWheel) 37634
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 102
Number of Textures: 265
Texture Resolutions: (4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)