This is a HQ Hand Grenades Collection made in a PBR pipeline, well suited for both quality projects and simpler projects with a focus on optimization and performance.
This is a HQ Hand Grenades Collection made in a PBR pipeline, well suited for both quality projects and simpler projects with a focus on optimization and performance. this pack can be used for AAA and Low-End Project
Sketchfab Link -
Number of Unique Meshes: 10
Poly Count:
LODs: (Yes) Auto Generated
Number of Materials and Material Instances: Material - 1, Material Instances - 10
Number of Textures: 30 (3 for each mesh)
Texture Resolutions: 4k
Important/Additional Notes: Each grenade model is made of multiple object like safety pin, Safety Lever, etc which can be separated in any modeling software for animation purpose