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Generic Air Drop

Gamemakin LLC - Blueprints - Feb 17, 2016
4.6 out of 5 stars(10 ratings)
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  • 10%

Generic Air Drop is system with provided example on how to drop an actor of your choosing from the air!

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.10 - 4.17
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

From the makers of Generic Shooter, Generic Air Drop allows you to quickly add air dropping of blueprint actors to any of your projects!

Generic Air Drop fully supports multiplayer and single player games.

Each Air Drop will come by means of a Chinook spawned at a random location in your level.

Provided is an example implementation in a demo First Person Blueprint, as well as everything you need to easily integrate into an existing Generic Shooter project!

This isn't an art or animation package, the art provided is intentionally simple so that it is cleaner and easier for you to add any visuals you would like to the system.

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 9
List of Features:
Simple configurable system demonstrating how to drop a specified Actor blueprint in the world at a point specified by the player.
Includes demo map showing an implementation based on the First Person Shooter Blueprint Template.
Video Link (You must include a 60-90 second video highlighting the features of your submission):
Engine Compatibility: 4.10+
Intended Platform: Windows, Linux, OSX, PS4, Xbox One
Platforms Tested: Windows, Linux, OSX, PS4
Documentation Included: Only for integration into Generic Shooter:
Important\Additional Notes: All art, audio, and animation are ugly 'placeholder' assets. The real product here is the provided blueprints.