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Frank Damages

tjpmsfbwayamwhbs - Animations - Mar 14, 2021
4.6 out of 5 stars(5 ratings)
  • 80%
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  • 20%
  • 0%
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Damage motion collection for Action game

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.21 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.


*** caution***Please consider this part before purchasing.

  • There is no rotation animation in place
  • No Start or End animations from/to idle
  • There are no breaks in idle, two is a standard
  • No Look around aimoffsets
  • Root motion is not included in movement motion. Except for a few assets.
  • I am blocked from posting on the forum and asset QnA, so please send inquiries to my e-mail.
  • If you want to modify or add motion There is an extra charge of about $150 per motion.
  • Most RootMotion problems are related to development systems, so if it doesn't suit you, I recommend not buying it.


Damage Motions for Action Games.

Includes Critical Attack assets for the Slash Pack.

This would be a good example of using Damage motion.

Retargeting to UE5 Mannequin (Video)

Promotion Video

If you purchase the Frank Pack or Slash Pack, you can keep more assets at a lower price.

Motion List

You can check the current production status here

Technical Details


  •  It is a motion asset optimized for UE4 Mannequin.
  •  All motions were produced at 60 frames per second.
  •  It is divided into folders for each motion style.
  •  Please turn off the auto play of M_Seq_Damage after the first play.

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes

Number of Animations: 173

Animation types :

79 Root Motion,

79 In-Place,

15 Critical Attack Sets,

7 Cinematic Sequences

Number of Characters: 9

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes
