Fox girl

Nikolay Golderov - Characters - Sep 7, 2024
Not Yet Rated

The 3D model is a furry character, Fox girl, designed as a low-poly ready-to-play model. Live-Link Ready with 52 ARkit Blendshapes.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.26 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.
  • Any Humanoid Animations or Blueprints from the store can be applied to this character.
  • Live-Link Ready with 52 ARkit Blendshapes
  • 5 materials
  • 21 textures 4096x4096
  • Vertices 35,259
  • Triangles 57,870
  • Added bones on the face, hair, bag and tail

Technical Details

Demo video:


Rigged: (Yes)

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes)

Animated: (Yes) Epic starter animations

Number of Animations: retarget

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Demo Epic animations

Number of characters: 1

Vertex counts of characters: 35,259

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 5/0

Number of Textures: 21

Texture Resolutions: (4096x4096)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)


Important/Additional Notes: No

Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: hair-hair_054, ORG-face+99 bones, tail1-008, MCH-eyes_parent+3 bones, chain+13 bones.

52 ARkit Blendshapes.

Live link BLUEPRINT.