Environment Pack for creation Throne Hall
Number of Unique Meshes: 83
Collision: (Yes - automatically generated and per-poly)
Vertex Count: 2 to 83224 / Generally 2000-5000.
The Most Hipoly Models:
DecorLamp - 83224
DecorWallPanels - 16285
Columns - 14998
WindowPillars - 13608
Throne - 11776
PillarFacade - 10800
Window - 10214
Eagle - 10151
Door - 9108
LODs: (Yes)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 4 Master-Materials, 41 Instances
Number of Textures: 120
Texture Resolutions: 1k for AORM textures. 2k-4k for Color and Normal Maps.
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
This Pack contains only Architecture of Throne Hall - not Landscape and not Fire. You can find it in Free Packs: "LandscapeMountains" - From Epic's and
"M5 VFX Vol.2 Fire and Flames" from Permanently Free Collection.
The most of Meshes used 4k textures. For better Performance You can use the next technologies:
-Reduce Resolution for textures
-Combine Meshes
-Hlod System
-Set Minimum LOD