Fantasy Great Modular set kit. Castle, Medieval, Walls, Great Hall, or Keep.
This kit is made up of 103 static meshes to assemble the walls and great hall as seen in the images and video. Trees, plants, and rocks are included. The same sections for the great hall can be used to create walls and smaller buildings as shown in the images and video. We could not include images of every single corner as we are only allowed to showcase so many. Please see the video for the full scope of the kit or click on a mini kit! (Note: In the video the player was not animated to hold the objects.)
The weapons are only part of the mini kits or Mega pack.
Weapon Packages:
Texture Sizes:
Collision: Yes Custom and automatic
Vertex Count: various counts
LODs: yes for high poly objects
Number of Meshes: 103
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 82
Number of Textures: 273
Supported Development Platforms: Windows and Next Gen Systems
Documentation: Facebook
Important/Additional Notes: NO WEAPONS INCLUDED