A Magical Fantasy Forest Pack To Unleash Your Imagination! (Forest, Fantasy Forest, Stylized Forest, Foliage, Stylized Forest, Trees, Stylized Trees, Flowers, Magical Forest, Elf Forest, Elven, World Tree)
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Thanks to the recent success of some of our medieval environments we have decided it was time for a beautiful magical forest to piece them all together!
The unique art style was Inspired by some of today's top animes, Jrpgs and mmos.
Number of Unique Meshes: 55
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 60
Number of Textures: 97
Texture Resolutions: (256x256, 2048x2048, 4096x4096)
Collision: Auto Collision
LODs: Auto Lods
Vertex: 111 - 19380
Supported Platforms: Windows, IOS