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Editor Utility Bar - Streamline Tasks

VisualOne - Blueprints - Apr 18, 2024

Editor Utilities made by developers for developers. Streamline actor and asset operations.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.1 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.

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Editor Utility Bar provides a seamless user experience, bolstering the Editor Utility's reputation as an essential choice for game development. By harnessing the power of Editor Utilities, developers can navigate the complexities of game creation with greater speed and precision, ultimately delivering richer and more immersive experiences to players.

Why does the Editor Utility Bar only use specific docking locations for utility widgets?

We believe editor utility widgets are tools that need to be accessible at all times without compromising the use of other editor panels. The Editor Utility Bar aims to occupy as little viewport space as possible while still providing an easy and efficient user experience. EUB does not clutter or occupy any space needed for important editor panels by docking both the Quick Bar & Design Tools at specific locations inside the viewport.

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Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • Includes 2 Tool Bars (Design Bar, docked to the bottom of the viewport, & Quick Bar, docked to the left most side of the viewport)
  •  Multiple Editor Utility Widget Compatibility and Synchronization
  •  Custom Level Design Tools
  •  Custom Created Tool Support
  • Actor Modifier Tasks (Deconstruct Actor, Simple Array, Runtime Movement Components, etc.)
  • Actor Location Tasks (Copy & Set Location, Median Location, Snap to Grid, etc.)
  • Actor Rotation Tasks (Rotate towards Location, Randomize Rotation, etc.)
  • Asset Related Tasks (Set or Replace Prefix/Suffix, Optimize Blueprints, etc.)
  • Organized and Readable Blueprints

Number of Blueprints: 13

Type of Blueprints: Editor Tools

Important/Additional Notes:

Editor Utility Bar includes 2 separate utility widgets. The primary utility widget (Design Tools) is not dependent on the secondary utility widget (Quick Bar) but are compatible with each other.
