Game Ready dynamic optimized Grass Foliage Pack
This game ready asset provides you with all the grass foliage you need, as well a multi-layered Landscape Material.
Read the full 80lv interview about the creation of this asset!
A total number of 12 grass types with combined 110 different grass clusters is implemented. For the realistic wind animation, the Pivot Painter Tool is used. This results that every single blade of grass is animated on its own. All plant parts are photo-scanned and individually vertex painted.
Performance Optimization:
All blades of grass are modeled on their own and as compact as possible. That results in less quad overdraw and less shader complexity. As well as the Pivot Painter Tool will create a more realistic wind animation. Only one master material is used for all grass clusters.
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Vertex Count: [LOD0 3000-60] to [LOD3 600-18]
LODs: 4
Number of Meshes: 110
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 7 Master Material, 124 Instances, 21 Material Functions
Number of Textures: 34 + (194 Pivot Painter Textures)
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC - Xbox One - PS4 - Switch - VR
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation: Yes [Grass Documentation]
Additional Notes: This pack is included in a bundle with ground plants and flower asset.
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