DecalPlacer allows applying decals to any object with a Material Instance, reducing shader load and making it ideal for working with destructible buildings.
📷WATCH - DecalPlacer [SoftField]
Decal Placer allows you to add decals to any material, applying them within the material itself without the need for separate actors for decal application. This minimizes shader overhead, making it an ideal solution for adding graffiti to walls, patches on roads, or creating cracks or dirt on props. In the asset, this function is connected to our basic material - M_Basic. Instructions on how to connect the function can be found in the video available in the description.
Thanks to Custom Primitive Data, you can use only one Material Instance for props and get a vast range of options for customizing decal application.
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💡Check our other products here based on scans: Unreal Marketplace.
💡The asset supports Lumen: Epic Games Lumen Technical Details
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Static Meshes: 3
Materials: 1
Material Instances: 5 (3 for meshes and 2 for demonstration)
Functions: 4
Textures: 30 (9 for Materials and functions, 9 for exemple meshes and 12 atlas)
Texture Resolutions: 16x16 - 2048x2048
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: Documentation