Different modular meshes allow you to create a variety of future backgrounds.
https://youtu.be/Ehf7o2ymHMY Walkthrough
New Update 1.1
- Updated lighting and mood
- Sequence Camera Animation Include
-Newly updated image of billboards in cities
-Added city billboards
Number of Unique Meshes: 63
Collision: (Yes/ automatically generated)
Vertex Count: 4 ~ 30,065
Particles: From EPIC ( UE4 StarterMap]
Decals: 4
LODs: Auto
Sequence: 1
Number of Materials and Material Instances: Materials 7, Material Instances 102
Number of Textures: 331
Texture Resolutions: 256~4096
Supported Development Platforms: PC, MAC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, MAC, Linux, VR, Xbox one, Ps4