This plugin expose to blueprint CommonUI CommonVideoPlayer functions except reverse() function. And make easy to play mp4 video file out of the box with some limitations for the moment.
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This plugin exposes to blueprint CommonUI CommonVideoPlayer features/functions except reverse() function. And makes it easy to play mp4 video files out of the box with some limitations* for the moment. Among useful functions is GetMediaPlayer(), which gives you the advantages of all its nice sub-functions.
This project is a 1 week HARD WORK and I set it free :), If you like it, would appreciate a hot Ko-fi 😊, Thanks a lot!
Example Project: Link (You need to install the plugin before running the project)
Features: Exposed functions
Code Modules:
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Documentation: HowToUse
Important/Additional Notes:
Example Project: Link (You need to install the plugin before running the project)
LIMITATION 1: 4K videos are not supported yet when testing.
LIMITATION 2: The video audio is only supported on a standalone project not in the editor or PIE yet when testing.
RECOMMENDED: Based on many tests, using it with 2K (1080pi) video quality or low is best for a good experience.