A Multiplayer Replicated Component to easily and quickly add Climbing and Vaulting to your game within minutes, Complete with animations.
This Climbing Component allows you to easily and quickly add climbing and vaulting into your TPP or FPP based game in less than 5 minutes. Complete with 20+ Animations for idle and moving climbs and vaults, Multiple Animations for Different falling distances, Motion Warping (5.3+), and a Foot IK System (totaling 60 animations for TPP & FPP combined).
✨ Download UE5 Motion Warping Demo
Note: v2.0.1 UE5 - Updated 10/1/2022
📚 v2.0.1 Documentation UE5.0+
📚 v1.4.1 Documentation UE4.23-4.27
📣 Discord
📝Patch Notes:
Scaled to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations: 60
Animation Types (Root Motion/In-place): Both
Number of Blueprints: 2
Input: keyboard, mouse, controller
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Desktop, Console, Mobile
Tested platforms: Windows
UE4 - https://www.deadpixellabs.com/docs/ue4/climbing-and-vaulting-component
UE5 - https://www.deadpixellabs.com/docs/ue5/climbing-and-vaulting-component
Important/Additional Notes: