Cartoon Couple - Male, Female Pack. Stylized characters.
Stylized modular characters, for adventure and platformer games. Compatible with OpenGL ES2/3
*No extra bones, 68 total
*Unreal Engine 5.3.2 Note: To avoid Blueprint error notifications. Enable OpenXR plugin, or remove/disconnect 'InputAction ResetVR' in Character Blueprint.
Cartoon Male product:
Cartoon Female product:
Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
Rigged: (Yes)
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Morph Targets: 24 per character
Physics Asset: 2
Number of characters: 2
Vertex counts of characters: 21763 (highest)
Triangles Count: 12275 (highest)
LODs: (No)
Texture Resolutions: 2048, 1024
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 25 Master Materials, 74 instances
Number of Textures: 109
Number of Animations: 12
Animation types (In-place): Yes
Supported Development Platforms: (Windows, Mobile)
Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows, Mobile)
Documentation: (No)
Important/Additional Notes: (No)