Bullet Hits - VFX Footage by ActionVFX and Undertone FX, Inc.

ActionVFX - Visual Effects - Jun 30, 2023

Bullet Hit Footage converted to flipbook textures with material and Blueprint and Niagara particle setups. For Virtual Production and AAA video games.

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    5.0 - 5.4
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.
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The Bullet Hits VFX Footage pack by ActionVFX and Undertone FX, Inc. contains high quality filmed fx elements used in Film and Television, brought to you ready to use for real time in Unreal Engine targeting Virtual Production and AAA Video game development.

Materials and blueprints have been designed to make usage of these clips quick and easy, with selectable fade ins, outs, edge fades and a variety of other parameters that the user can customize for each clip. With preset values that have been tuned for each clip to make them work perfect right out of the box.

A particle system and blueprint combination has been designed to make previewing, selecting and implementing each of these clips a breeze. Just look around in the demo map to see which clips you want to use in your project, and copy/paste the blueprints into sequencer, or point directly to them via a muzzle flash table.

The clips are extremely high quality, filmed on red cameras in 2k, 4k and sometimes 8k resolution, with HDR source. They have all been converted into flipbooks with a variety of frame counts from ranging from 32 up to 256 frames of animation. Each with a variety of resolutions so that the user can easily select the quality/memory/performance target they are after.

Channel Packed combinations have also been prepared, and setup with random selection in the material with AAA game development, so you get 4 variants per texture for only about 10MB of memory per texture.

Brought to you by the combined expertise and innovation of ActionVFX and Undertone FX, we're committed to delivering assets that push the boundaries of what's possible in game development and virtual production.

Looking for more Game-Ready Assets? Check out our Ultimate Fire Pack and 8K Sniper Scope Textures for Unreal Engine!

Technical Details


  •  1,011 textures for 45 unique Bullet hits, from the front, side and ground.
  •  Parent Material with settings to tune the look/fade/etc...
  • Most "features" in the material is behind a static switch with enable/disable checkboxes so you're only paying for the features you specifically enable.
  •  Pre-Populated Material instances for each Bullet Hit, with proper tuning custom to each clip.
  • Niagara system and Blueprint for easy customization of the playback speed, looping, etc...
  • 9 Channel Packed. So for 30MB you can get four variants of side, front and ground muzzle flashes.

Type of Emitters: CPU

Number of Unique Effects: 1

LODs: No, not necessary, they are single particle FX.

Number of Materials: 1 Parent Material and 54 Material Instances. 9 of the materials are for Channel Packed.

Number of Textures: 45 Unique footages converted into flipbook textures each with a variety of setups across size and resolution for the user to maximize quality/memory tradeoffs, for a total of 1,011 Textures. 27 of those are for the channel packed with frame counts from 32, 64, 128 and 256.

Number of Blueprints: 1 Parent Blueprint and 54 Blueprints.

Supported Development Platforms:

             Windows: Yes

             Mac: Yes

This pack comes with support. We'll update the setup, add material variants or fix any bugs. Stay in touch with us!