Partially modular detailed soviet built house with prepared Doors/Windows/Props Blueprint/Interior materials/Customizable apartments
Another Building Product:
The set of partially modular soviet built house with an optional interior
Video Overview: Youtube
Texture Sizes: From 256 to 2048
Collision: Yes, Custom, "UCX_" prefix
Vertex Count: From 8 to 6046
LODs: All LODs handmade in Unreal Editor varies from 0 to 6, depend of mesh, simple meshes does not have LODs
Number of Meshes: 157
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 13 Master and 181 Instances
Number of Textures: 299 (Base Color, Normal, Mask, Metallic/Roughness/Ambient Occlusion)
Supported Development Platforms: Tested only at Windows PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows PC
Documentation: No