This is a 3D model and animations of Brown bear and Polar bear.
Update(July 4, 2022):Groom was added for UE5.
If groom is used in UE5, Rendering -> Optimisation -> Enable Support Compute Skin Cache in the project settings.
(I have confirmed the operation of Groom only on Windows.
Update(June 11, 2020):Left hand attack animations were added.
This is a 3D model and animations of Brown bear and Polar bear.
As an example of use, it contains characters that can be operated (BP_BearThirdPersonCharacter) and character that move according to the NavMesh(BP_FoodSeekBear).
IK is set to the feet.
The posture of the pelvis is calculated from the position of the foot.
How to use BP_FoodSeekBear:
Then BP_FoodSeekBear repeats the following operations:
BP_FoodSeekBear moves along the NavMesh toward randomly chosen BP_BearFood.
BP_FoodSeekBear plays Eat animation when approaching BP_BearFood by a certain distance
After a certain time, BP_FoodSeekBear randomly selects BP_BearFood and moves along the NavMesh again.
BP_BearThirdPersonCharacter operation method:
wasd or arrow:walk
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of characters: 2(Brown bear and Polar bear)
Vertex counts of characters:
Texture Resolutions:
Number of Animations: 46
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Both
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, MacOS
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, MacOS
Important/Additional Notes: 66 bones