Niagara VFX for Weapon and Bullet with Scalable Size,Custom Color and bonus SFX
2024/05/24 pack updated to support 5.3+
Well organized assets, high visual qulity with efficiency and good optimization!!
Override parameters for Scalable Size,Custom Color,Duration etc..easy to use!!Dont need to understand NiagaraSystem!
10 type of VFX . each type has two play mode(once shot and loop)
And Bonus compatible SFX for free!!
HD Preview>>
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If Any Question, Please Go to My FB :
Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
Type of Emitters: CPU/mesh emitters
LODs: (Yes)
Number of Effects: 10
Number of Sound Effects: 14
Number of Materials: 20
Number of Textures: 24
Number of Unique Meshes: 4
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Important/Additional Notes: suit VR develop
requires Niagara plugin