Animated Character, UE5 skeleton compatible, with facial bones.
In the following videos we prepared simple tutorials on how to use the character (main features), how to use Mixamo animations, and how to prepare it for Game Animation Sample.
Main features:
- Arcana is compatible with ALL standard MANY animations without retargeting
- Two mesh versions, one with and one without facial bones.
- Separate hair mesh attached in Blueprint
- Several facial expression animations included
- All letter speak animations included with simple code to say word from a variable (check features tutorial)
- Basic animations included: idle, run, jump and walk animations
- Pose animations (for amazing screenshots)
- Hair physics enabled
- 3 LOD stages
- Facial bones: Eyebrow - 3 on each side, Eyelid up and down, 2 Eye bones, 2 cheek bones on each side, Jaw, 2 tongue bones, 6 lip bones for lower lip and 6 bones for upper lip
- Lyra compatible (change mesh in main blueprint)