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Animated FPS M4A1 Assault Rifle Pack

Ironbelly Studios Inc - Weapons - Apr 12, 2017
3.56 out of 5 stars(16 ratings)
  • 50%
  • 6%
  • 13%
  • 13%
  • 19%

AAA quality M4A1 with VFX, 4K PBR textures, 3 LODs, and fully rigged / animated arms. 28 assets in all!

  • Supported Platforms
  • Supported Engine Versions
    4.14 - 4.27
  • Download Type
    Asset Pack
    This product contains an assortment of Unreal Engine assets which can be imported into a pre-existing project of your choice.


M4A1 Video Demo

M4A1 Sketchfab

The M4A1 Assault Rifle is a carbine that is capable of firing semi-auto and full automatic rounds. The Ironbelly M4A1 has a VFX muzzle flash and is a perfect recreation of this iconic gun, featuring 4K PBR textures, 3 LODs, and multiple meshes for parts to allow for easy customization and animation. As a bonus, this pack comes with a set of first person arms for weapons, fully rigged and animated.

The FP arms included are 100% compatible with all weapons and the UE4 Starter Kit. For additional sleeve textures, skin tones and female arms, check out our FP Arms Pack

Technical Details

28 Assets:

(1) Ultra High AAA Quality M4A1 (22,155 Tris / 19,540 Verts)

(3) M4A1 LODs (25%, 50%, 75%)
• 25% (5,522 Tris / 6,769 Verts)
• 50% (11.070 Tris / 11,453 Verts)
• 75% (16,602 Tris / 15,601 Verts)

(1) M4A1 Skeletal Rig (11 bones)

(10) Animations (Idle, Walk, Sprint, Fire, Reload, Aim, Aim Walk, Aim Fire, Raise, Lower)

(5) PBR Textures @ 4096x4096
• Base Color, Metalness, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion

(1) Ultra High AAA Quality First Person Arms (12,120 Tris / 6,094 Verts)
• (1) First Person Arms LOD (50% - 6,060 Tris / 3,063 Verts)
• (1) First Person Arms Skeletal Rig (70 bones)
• (5) First Person Arms PBR Textures @ 4096x4096 (Base Color, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion, Metalness)