A Red Mechanical Android Girl named “ReDroid Meka-Ko”.
Update Video Preview : https://youtu.be/jTd1Kv5MMy0
We made smart and Re-designed cute “ReDroid” characters.
Original Red-Version. Black and White Version in addition Fire-Metal Version Skins.
New Master materials can more express Hi detailed metal looks nice.
New Version Mekako can Eyeball rotation from Look at animation Blueprint node.
Video Preview : https://youtu.be/xJT3HNJZoLU
Meka-Ko” was designed in Japan.It is a character of close combat specialization which made a steampunk atmosphere a little retro.
The asset contains 5 mesh variations and PBR materials are also available.The main character has two distinctive tubular parts that move physically.Depending on the idea, you can use two distinctive tubes as proximity weapons and guns.
It also includes a Animation Blueprint and Character Blueprint as a sample.Please enjoy attack combo with sample.
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of characters: 1
Vertex counts of characters: 25k total
Texture Resolutions: 2048 each (Head,Body,limbs)
Number of Animations: 41 (and 8 Anim montage and 1 1D blends)
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): In place 39 root motion 2
Supported Development Platforms: All
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Documentation: No
Important/Additional Notes: No