A Drag-n-Drop Solution to Adding an Advanced Menu System to your Project
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Made by 🎮 BillyTee at Fortuna
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The Fortuna Complete Menu System is aimed at giving developers an easy way to add menus to their project. There are many advanced features includes (Listed Below), and gives developers the ability to easily add and remove widgets how they wish.
This system is very extensive, the core features are as follows:
There are also many widgets within this system that can be used in a variety of different places. The submenus (Credits, Settings, News, etc.) are all configured to be used within any widget. The custom Buttons are configured to be ready to use anywhere as well, with tons of customization. For example, you may use the included submenus within your own Pause Menu, or use the Preset Button Widgets within an inventory system.
Number of Blueprints: 27
Number of Textures: 5
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Target Platform: PC
Documentation: Click Here for Documentation