A cross-platform tool for making in-game tutorials fast and easy with automatic action/axis mapping detection.
Advanced Tutorials Manager is out (100% BP)!
Demonstration Video (Watch the video to see what it's capable of)
Playable Demo (2D Widgets | Default) | Playable Demo (3D Widgets | for VR)
Quick Start Tutorial Video (First time setup guide)
Example Project (UE5.1+ with EIS) | Example Project (You can try it after you owned the plugin)
Important Note for Example Project: If you're using EIS and UE5.3+, you should go to Project Settings -> Engine -> Enhanced Input. Then tick "Enable World Subsystem" and "Enable User Settings" boxes otherwise the plugin won't function correctly.
Updates Log
With this plugin you can set up tips and tutorials throughout the map and trigger them one by one as the player goes to tutorial points or you can show tutorials manually without depending it on the player's location.
Tutorial text will get parsed by the plugin and adds the keys retrieved from Enhanced Input or Action/Axis Mapping to the text.
What can you use it for
There are different type of settings for each tutorial
You can easily switch between different platforms at runtime.
Looking for a similar system but for cutscenes? Check out Interactive Cutscene
Platforms that are not listed above require additional setup, you should do these steps in order to get them working in your game:
Code Modules:
Number of Key/Button Textures: +450
Textures Sizes: Mostly 128x128
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of C++ Classes: 3
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: All platforms except for HTML & Win32
Supported Target Build Platforms: All platforms except for HTML & Win32