A in game minigame in a form of a card game , easy to add to any project by doing a minimal amount of steps. no hard character or controller setup almost plug and play , you only need to add a component and interface for the interaction used to start the game
when playing you are playing against a Ai Opponent, not player to player
game rules:
You can only attack guards of a lower value than your own
you can not attack cards you own or have already won
If a card Switch ownership after loosing in a fight it can be recaptured if not blocked by another card
Above and below
attacker cards attack from its top value and its bottom value, if value of facing cards value is lower you win the card and ownership is changed. attacker top value attacks cards above's bottom value and attacker cards bottom value attacks bottom cards top value
Side by Side
Attacker card attacks both left and right cards value that's facing the attackers card
if value of facing cards value is lower you win the card and ownership is changed.
Above and below + Side by Side
Attacker attacks all 4 directions using same rules as above
The Card Table have a option to change its elemental power Fire, wind, ice, water, earth, light, dark, normal if this power is equal to the cards value id adds a additional bonus you can set in the elemental database . elemental power is located in top right corner
Rules are changed easy by flipping a enum on the NPC player
Take A Look At
Games using this system
Number of Blueprints: 11 including widgets and player
Input: (Keyboard, Mouse))
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Documentation: there is two Editor Utility widgets for deeper understanding (Deep understanding),(Install) and also a Discord for live help
Notes: Sound beat made in BandLab